“Being a woman of God in a crazy demanding world.”
We all have a story. Our life, relationships, our faith, family, childhood, and work. I’ve just finished reading a great book, (actually listening on CD), by John Eldredge,
In his book, the author is basically telling the story of his walk with God over a year. His thoughts, struggles, and life stories. I love his openness and his honesty.
For several years God has been talking to me about writing down my faith stories to share with my children. I’ve been thinking about getting ready to write them down. Do you know what I mean? Getting ready to get ready? In the fall, I was stirred in my heart to do this and have been making a few notes as God reminds me of those special occurrences. Then, as I read Eldredge’s book, once again, God spoke to me about my story.
God has been so faithful through the years. His love and peace have carried me through the ups and downs. I want my children to have this heritage, to know how their lives were influenced and touched.
So I am starting. Yes, no more ‘getting ready to get ready’. I have begun.
As a little girl, about 7 years old, I was living in Abilene, Texas with my parents, and sister and brother. There was a man on our street who always has little pamphlets and ‘bible stuff’. They were so pretty and had nice pictures on them, with a scripture. I don’t remember what he said to me, or if we really talked much, but I loved the pictures with the scriptures verses. Our family usually went to church, but when we didn’t go, for whatever the reason, I would teach Sunday School to my brother and sister, putting those pictures on a board, and talk about Jesus. The beginning of felt boards for me. I knew and accepted Jesus in those young years, and have always known and felt His presence in my life. That neighbor on the street made a difference to me. I wish I knew his name to thank him.
Do you have some stories in your life that you want to share? I know you do, we all do. Think about writing them down, and sharing with your family, friends, or just as a reminder to yourself. It’s actually pretty fun.
Have a blessed week!
QUESTION: What is your story? Do you have a story you would like to share? I’d love to hear it!
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