Seeds of Greatness. We talked before about how special you are, unique, and an original. Let’s go a step further. You have seeds of greatness inside. God as given you gifts and talents, He’s planted them in your heart. So quit beating up on yourself. (Is that too harsh?) I want you to realize how important you are and how valuable.
Through the years I have noticed that we, as women in particular, treat ourselves worse than an enemy would treat us. We stand in our closet and tell ourselves, we’re too fat, too thin, ugly, no poise, clumsy, etc. the list goes on. Sometimes it sounds like this; oh I’m not good enough, or smart enough to do ‘that’, or maybe, I’d better wait til I can get it right. Can you relate?
How about today saying, I am special, I have gifts and I am a child of God. Absolutely! Let’s stop the negative self talk. It starts with listening to yourself. What are your words? Would you say them to someone else? Probably not.
Let’s take the Golden Rule to the next place. It says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So how about you, You do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you. Love yourself and be kind. Let’s look at all our good traits and be grateful for them. Let those seeds grow. Let yourself shine as the person God created you to be.
Seeds of greatness have been planted in your heart
Seeds to give you hope and joy, Believe is where you start.
Seeds of greatness to be all you’re meant to be.
Seeds of greatness grow when you believe.
QUESTION: What do you see as your best gift or attribute?
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Delinda Layne says
Yes D- isn’t it cool how He does that- I love book of Joshua because it talks about that- God always goes ahead of us, that way we can trust and just walk the walk- thanks for sharing!
Delinda Layne says
Thanks Barb- Hope you are having a blessed week!
Barb Milton says
LOVE how you are combining your blog with your songs!!!!!!