It’s never to late to start. Do you have a dream? Is there something inside that you know in your heart of hearts that you want to do or to be? What is it? Say it out loud. Was that a whisper I heard? How about saying it again a little louder this time. How does it feel? You might even need to say it a couple of times, maybe everyday for a while just to make it real.
Maybe you are not where you thought you’d be right now. Maybe you have even thought about giving up, letting go of the dream, or maybe that dream is just barely alive inside you, it’s far away on the back burner. Do you remember the dream?
So often we let the needs of others get in our way, or maybe you don’t think you have what it takes, or it could be that you’ve been told you ‘Can’t’. Well that is just not true. You have what it takes. God planted seeds of greatness inside you. He is the One who gives you the desires of your heart.
Here are a few tips on how to take it off the back burner and move it forward.
- Think and pray about the dream
- Write it down- Say it out loud – make it real
- What would it take to realize the dream
- Make a plan
- What is the first step you could take TODAY
- Think and pray about 1,2,3,4,5
- Decide and begin
Simple – right? Easy – not so much. You are fighting against what you’ve been told and what you believe about yourself. You don’t have to stay in that place. Believe in who you were created to be. Believe it. You deserve all the joy and blessings that God has in store for you.
QUESTION: What is one dream or passion that you have put on the back burner?
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Hi Dianne – Yes that is a parents dream isn’t it. We have a Big God who gives us Big Dreams.. and He is faithful to complete it.
Loved this…. I guess to see my children and their children receive their dreams, is my dreams.
Dianne White God Bless you and yours
Quoting Delinda’s Blog :
Delinda Layne posted: ” It’s never to late to start. Do you have a dream? Is there something inside that you know in your heart of hearts that you want to do or to be? What is it? Say it out loud. Was that a whisper I heard? How about saying it again a little louder this “