Each day my prayer is that I will be a blessing to someone, like the song “Make Me A Blessing”, but I have to admit I don’t always go out of my way to intentionally FIND someone, as in the following story. It inspires me to step out a little more… how about you. Want to make a difference?
I love this from DELILAH – you know, the radio host. It is so spot on.
Enjoy… from Delilah.
Choose to Be a Giver this Week
Years ago I offered a stranger a ride home from the grocery store. She was an elderly lady waiting on a taxi service to pick her up, so I offered to take her instead since it wasn’t far out of my way. As we were riding along, she told me how every day she tries to bless one person anonymously. She said she would sometimes spend most of her day thinking of one act of kindness she could do to make someone’s life a little easier that day. Other times, the opportunity would fall into her lap. And these little deeds gave her joy and purpose and filled a hole that was left after her husband passed on and her grown children moved away. I’ll never forget how that short car ride changed my life.
This week, practice being a giver. When you go out of your way to make the world a better place for someone, you make the whole world a better place. But if your focus is only on you and what you desire and what you can get, then you’re going to end up lonely and unfulfilled. While you grapple for temporary happiness thru acquiring more things, you will fail to know how good and satisfying it feels to bless others. Blessing others is a sure way to experience lasting happiness.
Choose to be the kind of person that wakes up tomorrow and thinks, “What can I do today to make someone else’s life a little better?” Whatever you can give – your help, your resources, your wisdom, your kind words – give back and bless others, and people will be drawn to your beautiful spirit.
Something to think about and take with you this week…
‘Til next time –
Question: What is a way that you can make a difference or be a blessing to someone today?
TALK to me – I’d love to hear from you! (see Comment box below)
NOVEMBER 8TH – Saturday 9 AM – 3 PM
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