That was Great! Don’t you love to hear those words? Thank you, good job, I appreciate you, are all phrases that make us smile. It shows us that someone notices, that in some way we make a difference.
Personally, I love seeing the smile on someone’s face when I notice something good about them. It really is easy to do. Your kind words may be the only nice thing they’ve heard for a long time. Don’t miss the opportunity.
1- Look for good
If you are looking for the good in people and circumstances, you will find it. The opposite is true also. So which will enrich your life more, and the lives of others, looking for good or looking for bad?
2- Draw attention to the good
When you notice the good, point it out. Tell someone. For example, and this may sound a little crazy, but if you notice that the restroom is particularly clean and fresh, tell someone. Keep in mind that someone had to have cleaned it, and it is a good reflection on them if someone notices. (Let’s face it we have all been in plenty that weren’t s great, so it is easy to notice the really good ones)
3- Give a sincere compliment
When someone goes out of their way, or gives you good service, or is just friendly– tell them. The one I notice the most are people who answer the phone. In my opinion, that person can make or break a company. When I call and get a friendly hello and nice response, I tell them. You can actually hear their smile on the other end. That job is usually under-appreciated. It will make their day to know someone is paying attention and appreciates them.
Think of how much it means to you to be appreciated and for someone say thank you, then go and do likewise. The Golden Rule in action =)
A friend of mine shared a few years ago, that for Lent, instead of giving up something, she did something for someone each day, along the lines of random act of kindness. I love this idea. This year I am going to make sure that I notice good and tell someone everyday that I notice and appreciate them. If it happens to be a day that I am not getting out, I can do it on the phone or send a card, which by the way, people love getting a nice card in the mail as opposed to only getting bills.
Things you can do –
- Open a door for someone when going in a store
- Tell the cashier she did a good job
- Thank the server and give a little extra tip
- Let someone go before you in line
- Compliment someone on how nice they look
- Send a card of gratitude to your Pastor or other staff
- Thank someone for giving you a little extra of their time
- Point out a positive trait to your husband or child
- Other___You fill in the blank__________
There are so many ways, why not start today?
So for me, since today is Ash Wednesday, you are my first. Thank you for reading and sharing your time with me today. Your time is the most valuable asset you have and I appreciate you.
God Bless
QUESTION: Do you find it easy to notice the good, or do you notice more of the bad? What do you think about actually telling someone they did a good job? What are other ways or ideas do you have to show people appreciation?
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delindalayne says
Thanks guys- you are always so encouraging. Sorry I missed you last night, but will see you Sunday
Barb Milton says
I like what Linda Toupins grandmas said……We’ll KNOW all that in heaven, but we NEED to hear it NOW! Great Blog, Delinda!!!
That was a Great blog today!