Express Yourself! You have gifts and talents to share. In the next few blogs we going to look at ways to express ourselves through our gifts.
The day started with a really encouraging message on FB from a friend of mine. She and I began to brainstorm and are going to combine our talents on a project, or at least begin to explore the possibilities. She is a great photographer and has some beautiful pictures online and an online greeting card business that she and her sister started. In case you’d like to take a look, her name is Sherry G. Rambin, and her company is Superior greeting cards,
Isn’t it great to enjoy and experience the gifts of others? It enriches our lives, and I always like to let them know and encourage those gifts. As well, it is a joy to share our gifts. You have gifts, too. There are so many ways to use our gifts and express ourselves. First, we need to look at ourselves and be confident in our gifts.
Now, I can almost hear some of you saying you don’t have a gift, no talents, etc. Well, that just isn’t true. God created you special, unique, and has a purpose for you. He has given you gifts to share. Maybe you are just unsure of your gifts. So, let’s take a look .
1- What are you passionate about? If you could do anything you wanted to do, with no boundaries, what would that be? You may say that there are always boundaries, like money, time, support, etc. That may be true, but just give yourself permission to dream and think outside the boundaries. So again, if there was no way you could fail, and no boundaries, what would you do?
2- Ask someone you love and trust what talent, gift, or positive trait they see in you. Now, this is very important, ask only someone who truly loves and encourages you, someone who always sees you and encourages you to be your best, your cheerleader. Often others see the good and great in us before we see it ourselves.
These gifts can be singing, speaking, cooking, baking, writing, listening, the list is endless. Take a deep breath, quiet your heart, and Dream.
Now, make your list of the talents, gifts, positive traits in yourself.
We will take a look at the next step, next time.
QUESTION: What is your passion? What would you do if there were no limits?
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