Think About It! How are things going?
The other evening after choir practice I decided to stop in a little place next door to the church and order a salad. For those of you in Vegas, it’s called Lahaina Grill. We go there a lot because it’s convenient, the food is good, and the people are friendly. I ordered my food and as I was waiting, one of the servers, a very sweet young woman came by and asked how things were going, I answered ‘Great’, and then asked her the same.
She said things were going OK, and then she made this comment. She said she used to have a lot to complain about, and then decided to quit complaining and look at things differently, so now things were better. WOW- isn’t that great?
We chatted a few minutes about how we can’t change the things around us, our circumstances, other people, etc., but we can change how we think. Therein is a great lesson for the day. We choose how we think and how we handle situations. We can make or break our own day by how we choose to think about it. I love it!
Thanks A for sharing with me.
QUESTION: Do you believe you have a choice? How is your day going?
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