Spiral to the Top. No more tiny pieces of paper, random notes.
Let me ask you this. Have you ever written a note on a little piece of paper, sure that you’d remember where it is, and then lose it? I think everyone has done that on occasion. It is very frustrating. Or you are writing down some important information and you have a full sheet of paper, sure you are not going to lose it, right? A couple days later you need the info, and alas, you can’t find it. Maybe you, like my husband, make notes on the back of other papers, but then don’t know where the note is. Sticky notes everywhere?
(Yes I have his permission for this pic =)
Well, I have the answer. It has been working well for me… for about 20 years. While in Mary Kay, my dear friend and National Sales Director, taught me some invaluable little lessons that are still serving me well. This is one of them and it is huge. Are you ready?
A spiral notebook. Yep. That is it. Easy, simple, and inexpensive. From a phone call from a repair man, to list of important things to do, the response from cable company company, cancellation numbers, on and on. If I talked to someone last week, or last month, about something and I need that info, voila, there it is. You will feel so organized and on top of your game.
I have years of spirals, and I actually have had to go back a few times for a phone number, or other info, and was so happy it was there. So my spiral is always on top– no more little pieces of paper.
Try it for a while and see if it helps you. Do you have a tip to share? I’d love to hear from you.
QUESTION: What do you do with all your pieces of paper? Are you willing to try the ‘spiral’ approach?
I am available to speak to your group.
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Hi Donna- GREAT tip- I love it. Thanks for sharing- I bet you have others too, ’cause I know how organized you are. Blessings!
When I come home from grocery shopping and need to store more than one of the same item, (like cereal) I turn the newer item upside down in the pantry. This way I can know at a glance, which one I need to use up first. That’s my tip!