Notes for your Notes. Today is a little organizational tidbit. Those of you who know me from church or other organizations know that I love being organized. I have found a new tool and it works so well for me that I thought I’d share it with you. I learned about this tool from Michael Hyatt, whom I’ve mentioned to you before. He has so many ideas to share, and he also has several postings on this same subject – Evernote.
Evernote is a Free program to help you keep your notes, thoughts, and ideas organized. Have you ever forgotten where you filed something on your computer? Maybe like me you have always used a paper notebook to keep information in one place, or you start a Word doc when you are writing something. What was happening with me as I have been expanding my platform with blogging, speaking, and songwriting, I would forget where I filed it, or under what name. As well, it was pretty tedious starting a new document each time. Viola-Evernote. It is very cool and I am not even using it to its full potential, yet.
Again, it’s free, so you might want to check it out. I set up several Evernote notebooks, Blogging ideas, Song lyrics, Scriptures, Quotes, Favorite stories. As I have an idea on a subject I start a page in one of the notebooks with a key word. What is great about it is if I forget the key word, which does happen a lot, I can search through my Evernote notes with any word that might remind me and it brings up my choices. This is working great.
As I expand my knowledge on this I will keep you posted.
QUESTION: Do you use a tool that helps keep you organized or that is helpful to you?
I’d love your comments – see area below.
I am available to speak to your group. To Reserve a Date –
caucajun55 says
Ha ha ha – (and laughing VERY loudly – that WOULD be dangerous for an app to capture and document our thoughts. Oh please don’t give the wrong person any ideas – but that was a very ‘brainy’ and ingenious thought on your part.
Delinda Layne says
I haven’t had it disappear- THANK HEAVENS! I hope it works well for you — Imagine when they make an APP that will just let your brain send it thoughts.. then we wouldn’t even have to type– but then again… THAT could be dangerous =) Let me know how it works out for you.
Sherry g Rambin says
This blog is coming at a very critical time for me – thanks. My ‘yellow’ Memo app on my iPhone keeps disappearing – and it’s where I put ALL my memory (from my HEAD – not the memory from my computer – ha) .
I’m hoping and praying this application will stay alive on my iPhone – or else I’ll be forced to go back to the old way = pen and paper – UGH.