When asked the question, “What do you know that you know? Down in your soul, your heart of hearts, what do you know about yourself?”
My answer is I know that Jesus loves me, and I know I born to sing, to share His message joy and hope with the world. Now what does ‘the world’ actually mean? The world, can be my brother and sister (I used to teach Sunday School in our garage), my backyard, church, community, whatever the ‘world’ turns into. I am a singer. I am a speaker. I am a child of God. I am a Christian. So whether it is singing a ‘Christian’ song that talks about Jesus, or a song at a birthday party, maybe an aria from an opera, I am a singer, I am a Christian.
I recently read a book by Jefferson Bethke called JESUS > Religion. I mentioned him a few weeks ago and another one of things he talks about in his book is how the world is trying, and actually doing a good job of, is putting Christians in a box. Here is the point. Society says it’s OK to sing about Jesus if it is ‘Christian’ music, or it is ‘Christian Art’, like a picture of a cross or a church, if it’s in church or a ‘Christian’ concert. It has labeled us and basically expects us to stay in our Christian box, does that make sense? The world doesn’t want us to spill over into the other areas of the world. Well, that is just nonsense.
We live in the world and walk in the world. We are here to be a light, to shine in the dark places, to share His love no matter where it is, grocery store, baseball game, restaurant, school, work, hospital, doctor’s office, wherever we go, even on the telephone with the phone or cable company. (I know that can a hard one 🙂
I have never liked being in box, told what I should and should not do, what is proper, what is not. I believe I am to live the life I am called to, to sing and share Christ’s message of love and hope through music, the spoken word, my life.
One of the greatest compliments I have ever received was when someone close to me told me he never believed in Jesus because he has only felt judgement and meanness, until he knew me. He could feel the love. This humbled me beyond belief. Oh that this was always true.
So Christians let’s just SPILL out the love of Jesus to everyone, let’s just drip it all over. Let’s be open and accepting of each other, as children of God. We don’t have to preach it, Bible thump it, we just have to live it. I mean… after all, that is what Jesus did.
‘Til next time –