This morning I begin a ‘Southern tour’ with my Mother. As many of you know, I left last Sunday to drive to KC, and I finished my concert in KC on Saturday night. Mother flew in on Thursday and now we are heading to see family and friends. We will be in Little Rock, AK, Memphis, TN, Shreveport, LA, Coushatta, and the tiny town of Hall Summit, LA.
My Mother is excited to visit her former homestead, visit the area where she grew up, and visit a few friends she still has down there. She has favorite places to eat a long the way, a few antique stores, (Kimberly don’t get too jealous =). I think just being in the area where she spent so many years is going to lift her spirits.
I will take some pictures, amateur ones I might add, but will post as I can on fb, and share with you thoughts a long the way.
Prayers for safe travel are always welcomed, and I pray for my Mother’s health, I’ll try not to do too much to overtire her. Magnolias, azaleas, and pine trees here we come!