A Whisper- God provides in a crisis.
As we were talking last time, God uses a variety of ways to provide for His children. He meets us at our need.
Sometimes, it is a check that arrives at just the right time, a phone call from someone that lifts your spirit. It may be job that you have prayed for and were feeling that God wasn’t listening, and then the door opens.
This is a story of a time when God whispered, in a time of crisis.
A woman in my Bible study group shared this story. This lady had a young daughter and they were leaving their apartment and going to the elevator. It was the old fashioned type that had a door that opened, and then you had a gate to open to step inside. They pushed the button for the elevator, her phone rang (and this was before phones in your pocket, it was inside the apartment.) She turned back to go to apartment, and just as she was turning around her daughter somehow opened the door to the elevator and got caught between the door and the gate. Someone pushed the button on the next floor and the elevator began to move upward and the little girl was caught and suspended between the floors. Needless to say, my friend was hysterical She screamed for help, and no one came. Then, she heard in her spirt… push the button. She pushed the button and the elevator moved back down and she was able to get her daughter out. God provided. She knows without a doubt it was the Spirt of God whispering what to do. Push the button. God provided the answer, and her daughter was fine. Hallelujah!
It is so encouraging and so uplifting to hear and share the stories of God’s provision.
What is one of your stories? Has God ever spoken to you in a whisper?
QUESTION: Do you have a story of God’s provision? Please send me your story in the comment section.
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