What if every woman could see herself through God‘s eyes…. We would definitely WOW the World. I am so excited to share with you – We are up and running- YIPPEE!!!
Welcome to the launch of Fun Fearless Female – WOW the World Conferences. You were created in God’s image, you are a Child of the Most High God, Creator of the Universe! That is worth celebrating! God created you special and unique. You have gifts and talents beyond your imagination, just believe it and see what wonders lie ahead and what joy can fill your life.
Fun Fearless Female – We’re out to WOW the WORLD
Touching hearts and touching lives – Each woman and each girl
We walk in faith and confidence – We gonna leave our mark
Fun Fearless Female – Ready- Set – START
Cities- Asheville, NC, Shreveport, LA, Overland Park, KS, and Las Vegas. Booking NOW for other cities.
LIKE us on FB facebook.com/delindalayne.funfearlessfemale
Together let’s WOW the WORLD!
QUESTION: What does it mean to you take to be a Fun and Fearless?
I’d love your comments – see area below.
I am available to speak to your group. To Reserve a Date –