(Picture by Sherry g Rambin)
Go in peace,
and remember that you go nowhere by accident.
It is God who is sending you.
So go with the power of God Almighty,
the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and,
the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit.
As you go . . . go out and make a difference.
(Thanks to Pastor Jim)
This is a blessing that our Pastor gives at the end of our service on Sundays. I love it because it brings everything together. It takes what we have heard in the message, how to apply it to our lives, and then challenges us to “go out and make a difference.”
The past few Sundays we have been looking at ‘Grace’. Grace is God’s unmerited favor. It is kindness from God we don’t deserve. We can’t earn it, work for it, or buy it. It’s a gift. As we think about Grace of Jesus to us, it behooves us to think about how to share His love and Grace with others.
How can we share His Grace with along our path each day and each week?
Something to think about. Let’s go out and make a difference.
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“Have A Grateful Day”
QUESTION: What is a simple way to share Grace as you go about your week?
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Next stop is Kansas City area, Feb 22, 2014. Any of you who live in the area and would like to be a part of making the “WOW” happen in KC, let me know.
Overland Park, KS
(Kansas City Area)
Fun Fearless Female.org
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I am available to speak to your group. To Reserve a Date
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Thanks Julie – So many blessings around us.