Have you ever felt frustrated or Stuck? Maybe stuck in your job, a relationship, or just life in general? Most of us have at some point or another, I certainly have. It seems things will move along pretty well, then Stop. Do you know what I mean?
What I’ve found is each time it happens I need to Reach Out and Ask. Sometimes it isn’t fun to ask for help or advice, and you really have to be careful WHO you ask, but if you don’t do something – you stay stuck!
When Stuck –
Look for someone who is where you want to be. (When I was in Mary Kay, and I was ready for the next step into Cadillac I hung around the Cadillac Directors, helped them set up their rooms for meetings, listening and learning so I would be ready for the next step. I wanted to be where they were.)
Ask that person out for a cup of coffee or lunch – you pay and ‘pick their brain’. (Most people love to share their journey and how they did it. Your job – LISTEN)
You may want to look for a coach – someone who has ‘Been there-Done that’ (Find the right one for you. They can give you the roadmap and help you see your next step)
Be open to new ideas
Be ready to grab a hold and ready to Move
Be flexible and teachable