We often want to move forward, go for our dreams, and step out of our comfort zone.. BUT…
F.E.A.R steps in and sometimes takes over.
Some define it as False Evidence APPEARING Real. The key word is ‘Appearing’. Sometimes we don’t even know what it is we’re afraid of or maybe we just haven’t really looked at it.
Here are some common things that people FEAR…
They won’t like me
I won’t be good enough
I won’t be successful
I’ll be so good, I won’t know how to handle it
I’ll have to be gone too much from my family
What if I don’t know how to do it
Being wrong
What will others think
What IF, what if, what if……..
We think about it, often obsess about it to the point we can’t see clearly. The Fear gets so big, so overwhelming it can paralyze us.
The truth is our lives won’t move forward, we won’t have the change we want until we are willing to face the fear and move through it. “Face the Fear and do it anyway.” We all have fear, in some form or other, at some time, what do we choose to do with it? Allow it to fuel us forward or stop us in our tracks.