What is love anyway? Is it loving people only when you ‘approve’ of them? Is it Love when they have ‘proper’ behavior? Is it Love when they choose a different direction? Can we Love when they disrespect, rebel, or are hurtful? Can we love them ‘anyway’?
Relations can be hard, and as a parent, I think that is the hardest job out there. It has the most joy, greatest heartache, the lowest lows and the highest highs.
I had a special friend message me and ask about some of the things I have encountered. I shared openly with her about some of our trials, things we have faced as parents. She is having a painful issue in their family with a child and she asked my thoughts or advice. Certainly I don’t have all the answers and have made plenty of mistakes. All I really had to share with her is this – Love them. Love them anyway….. ‘even if…..”.
Even if:
You don’t agree
You don’t understand
You believe it is wrong
Sometimes it may mean you have to use ‘tough Love’, remember the key is the Love. We can agree to disagree. We can love the child/person, but not the behavior. There is a difference. Sometimes it is hard to this, but we can do it.
Our biggest role model is Jesus. He took His love to the very end. He cares about us, created us, and continues to Love us… no matter what. He Loves us anyway. Yes, we have to face the consequences of our choices, our actions, etc., but along the journey He is there. He is here. He loves us.
Period. End of story.
So we in turn Love others, love through the hard times, and Love through the best times.
As Christians we are commanded to Love one another, not judge.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. I John 4:7-8
(One thing here, if you are in a harmful relationship, abuse, or other…Please get help. In this case, LOVE yourself (and your kids) even to leave and get help.)
Many Blessings! ‘Til Next Time –
QUESTION: Have you had a time when you had agree to disagree with a loved one ?