The other day I had breakfast with a friend she shared with me about a really hard time she had been having. You see this wonderful lady who I see as beautiful, talented, and soooo smart, doesn’t see herself that way. She recently had a time of crying out to the Lord asking and begging Him to show her gifts, her talents. She told me that she really believed that He had overlooked her, that God just did not give her even one gift.
It took a lot of courage for her to share that with me and I so applaud her bravery. Sometimes we just have to reach out. She reached out and talked to her sister who gave her some wonderful input. As she kept asking God ‘Why?’ He began to show her through other people that, indeed, He had given her gifts, that she does have talent, and He is affirming her of these gifts. Hallelujah!
You too, my dear friends, have gifts and talents and even if YOU can’t see them, ask God to show you. Talk to a special friend, your sister, someone who loves you and knows you well. They can tell you the good things they see in you. Not everyone is going to have a ‘big’ personality, not everyone is singer, painter, artist, etc. There are so many other gifts. Seek the Lord and He will show you. He didn’t leave anyone out, not even you.
Trust, Believe, and He will show you. This could be your day, week, and your year to discover You!
Til Next Time –
Many Blessings –
2015 —the Best We’ve Ever Seen!
Question: Have you discovered a new gift or talent in yourself?
See Comment box below – I’d love to hear from you!
Choose HAPPY! You DO have a Choice!
FEB 21, 2015
Overland Park Marriott Hotel
8:45 am – 1:00 pm
WATCH for Details: FunFearlessFemale.ORG
NEW song Previewed in Las Vegas