I’m NOT busy – Really???
When someone asks the question, How are you? or How you doing?, the answer many of us give is, I’m busy, or I’ve been so busy! This a our typical, quick, and not so well thought out answer. That’s why If someone replied with the answer, I’m Not ‘Busy’, or some other answer, we would probably go into shock… Really? You’re kidding, right?
To be sure, in our society, at least American society, the busier the better — right? It shows that we are important, or that people think a lot of us, it may even be the scale on which we are all judged… right? Go-Go-Go!
Well.. let’s Re-Think it. I read a great article on Busy-ness, by Tyler Ward, and I’ve been thinking about it all week.
Here’s a few questions:
Is being’ Busy’ really all it’s cracked up to be?
Does being ‘Busy’ mean our life is important?
Does being ‘Busy’ make our life better?
Are we being ‘Busy’ at what we love, or just being ‘Busy’ for busy-ness sake?
I’m going to talk about this for a few posts, but in the meantime, I am pledging to not use the word ‘Busy’ when asked how life is going, how was your trip, or in answer to how I am doing. I’m going to think about it, and answer with a more appropriate, more authentic answer.
AND if you ask me that question and I fall back into my old habit of saying ‘busy’, then stop and remind me =)
‘Til next time.
To enjoy the article, go to http://www.tylerwardis.com/busy-isnt-respectable-anymore/
QUESTION: Are you ‘busy’ and loving your life.. or just ‘Busy’?
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Overland Park, KS
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