BLOOM Where You Are Planted!
You are Bloomin’ Good! When we are ‘Content’, when we have learned to be content in all circumstances, then we can truly Bloom! Have you ever thought about that? I think it is really interesting that as we learn these life lessons, we are free to truly be who God created us to be. As we grow and share our lives with others God can use us as His instruments for peace and reconciliation.
The thing is that when we are so focused on our ‘circumstances’, too focused on ‘what is wrong’, when we are ‘discontent’, it closes us off to His Spirit and His blessings.
Let’s take a moment –
Be aware of the goodness of God in your life
Share His love with others
Be Grateful – Make a list
Look at your life – Do you have an area of ‘Discontent’?
How can you begin to think differently about this area of Discontent?
What is one way you can Bloom – Today
Philippians 4:11-12
…for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.(
‘Til next time –
QUESTION: What is one way that YOU can Bloom today?
TALK to me – I’d love to hear from you! (see Comment box below)
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WOW the WORLD! Conference for Women
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Dianne Cecil-White says
Yes we do have our different journey, but fulfilling right! God is good!! We do need to catch up.
Delinda Layne says
That is s great Dianne- We all have different seasons and our lives are on different journeys…. yet we can always Bloom =) Thanks for sharing
Dianne Cecil-White says
I am Blooming where I am planting so to speak! I am in a good place and miracles happening all the time! I stretched out of my comfortable world and found my desires from God in a whole different direction and I like where my feet are planted! Good Journey time! Blessings dear friend!.