In my continuing quest to ‘Release’, I am on a journey this week. It started by cleaning out and organizing the garage. It has actually been kind of fun to go through the boxes and explore what is in them. I’ve continued in the house, getting rid of ‘stuff’. Trash it, give it away, (I’ve already been to ‘Goodwill’ four times), or in the case this week, take to someone.
When we left KC we gave the kids, Justin and Alicia, the opportunity to go through their boxes of ‘treasures’. We told them that they could keep ONE box of their favorite things, and then discard, in some way ,the rest.
I recall Justin telling me that he had his box ready, and then added that he left a few other things in the garage as well. Alicia did the same. To Alicia’s credit, she really did have one box– a huge one (remember those big Cow boxes from Gateway, a computer company… that was hers). Justin, not so much.
Now here’s the funny part. As Bill and I were going through every box, imagine our surprise… let’s just say, I have a car full of boxes that are being returned to KC, plus some other things that I am gifting them =) I have a Yukon full PLUS a trailer. I have also been ‘releasing’ things in the house as well, and have a box for my friend Vicki, and one for another friend, Bill and his wife, and I wouldn’t want to leave my Mother out, so I have about four boxes for her as well. Ho Ho Ho!
So I am ‘On the Road’ again. I enjoy it, so it’s really not a big deal. I am ‘Santa’ coming early as I deliver these ‘treasures’. Out of my space… into theirs!
Releasing is a wonderful thing and I suggest you try it. Not only is it clearing out space in the house and the garage, it is clearing my mind.
Many of you know that I have been in this process of ‘Releasing’. Last year was my year of Release… and it is continuing, so now I call this my ‘season of Release’. (Thanks Lynn for showing me how much I needed to do this).
So here are a few things I am learning:
Release helps clear your mind
It can make you feel more free
We are ‘owned’ by what we own. This is truly profound. The more we own and hold onto, the more we are held captive by the things. Sometimes we are stuck.
Release can be mental and emotional as well. Like releasing regrets or guilt. (This could be a whole post on it’s own)
Releasing others from what you think ‘they’ should do or how ‘they’ should think. (Ummm, I think that is actually called control.)
Just like the space in your garage or your house when you get rid of ‘things’, releasing can open up space in our heart and mind for the new things and gifts that God has for us – and this is the BIGGEST Blessing!
Basically, to reiterate, releasing is Freedom, and I love it.
‘Til next time – I’m going to get in the car and head out .
QUESTION: Do you have any tips on ways you have been able to release things or areas in your life?
TALK to me – I’d love to hear from you! (see Comment box below)
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Hey Sherry thanks so much- I always appreciate your insight. You are so right on. Bless you!
Thanks Robin – I know you are going thru lots of ‘stuff’… God bless you my friend!
I think this is your most relevant blog yet .. Or at least it meant more to me.
This is very relevant to having emotional and mental freedom and space as well as physically freeing up space in one’s life.
Great post.
I too am trying to go through stuff. Not only am I looking more like my dear mom but when I see the stuff I have saved over the years and more rcently I see some “hoarding” that was funny at first and now it is scary. Also this week one of the Jesus Calling message was about releasing people and stuff to Him so we are not so weighted down by things we cannot control. Good lesson! Have a safe trip.