[Get your Tickets for Kansas City, Saturday, FEB. 22,
Fun Fearless Female – WOW the WORLD Conference NOW! ]
Fun Fearless Female Tickets
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You Are Not Your ‘STUFF’. ‘Stuff’ is OK but it doesn’t determine who you are or your value.
Recently I’ve had several conversations with friends that are dealing with feelings of self-doubt. One of these friends is having some financial issues and is hoping to get a loan modification or other help. She has had a big family change, which resulted in a major income reduction, and now a low credit score. It is affecting how she feels about herself. Have you ever felt that way? As I encouraged and shared some thoughts with her, I thought that maybe some of you might have dealt with this as well. I urge you to consider.
Here’s what you are not:
You are not your car (Cadillac or Honda)
You are not your credit score (high or low)
You are not your house (big or small)
You are not your number of Facebook or Twitter friends
You are not your “children’s behavior or choices”
You are not your possessions
You are not your weight
You are not what clothes you wear (Wal-Mart or Designer)
You are not your job or your position
You are not your education (high school, college, or graduate)
You are not your _____________ (you fill in the blank)
Get the drift? When we allow these type of things to determine our self-worth we often come up short. Basically, we place too much emphasis on the ‘things’ of life, and when we do this we are also comparing ourselves to others. That is dangerous place to be.
Give yourself some time and think about where you are placing your value. Where are you getting your value or self-worth?
We’ve looked at some areas that you are ‘Not’. Next time, instead of what you are ‘Not’ let’s talk about what you ‘Are’. I’ve got great news for you
I’ll give you a hint –
1- You are a child of God!
‘Til next time.
QUESTION: On what are you placing your value?
TALK to me – I’d love to hear from you!
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Next stop is Kansas City area, Feb 22, 2014.
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Overland Park, KS (Kansas City Area)
More Info and Tickets
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I am available to speak to your group. To Reserve a Date
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