It is Monday morning and as I sit here trying to decide which of my three projects to work on today, it seemed like a good time to share a little priority management, or maybe I should call it ‘Delinda self management’.
I have three big projects that I need to handle, take care of…Do. My nature is to do the things I like to do first, and put off the others. Unfortunately, the ‘others’ then begin to ‘grow’ in my head until they feel totally overwhelming. Do you ever feel that way? That’s when I take a look at them and begin to break it down and decide when to start, but more importantly, when to finish.
Organize the garage so I can move everything out of the local storage area and into it. Since I need to get the Christmas decorations out of storage anyway, it seems like a good time to do it AND they raised the rent on the storage by 25%… yikes! Yep, it looks like more releasing, because I know it is not all going to fit.
Edit videos from a couple of the Fun Fearless Female events and post on website (This is my favorite one to do, even though I am just learning how to do it, and it takes a while. Actually it takes hours on the computer and a lot of focus, but I like it and the results).
Begin preparing for the Nevada Real Estate course and test. (I am having to do some major mental adjustments for this one.) Many of you know I have been a Broker in Kansas for some 35 years, and it is time to get licensed here in Nevada. In our family I am the ‘test taker’ for our management company. Bill runs the company and it must be licensed in each state where we do business, so it is important to do. However, my mind has to do the mental shift from ‘book learning and test-taking’, to creative and fun. Like many things it was easier in my 30s than it is now. Can anyone out there relate???
All of this to say, we when look at the choices of things to do and accomplish, it helps to put a time frame around it. Sometimes we may have to shift or extend the time-frame, but we come closer to getting the job done if we do. For example, the ‘storage area’, the rent goes up December 1st, so I can choose to pay the new amount for a month or two, or I can choose to get it done by end of November.
Some of the video footage I have has been in my computer for a year… I know, pretty bad huh? The new footage from the Las Vegas Event is fresh and inspires me to get it posted by the end of this week. The Nevada Law class and the RE test… I’m giving it until the end of the year.
For me, setting those time frames helps me focus, adjust my daily schedule, and feel like I am making progress.
So today, I am going to spend 1-2 hours in the garage, shifting, moving, eliminating, etc. during the day hours when it is nice outside, work a few hours on the videos in the later afternoon and evening, and the RE…. maybe tomorrow. Ha, Ha,Ha! OK, so tomorrow I’ll get up and spend the morning, 3-4 hours on the RE law class.
Go out and make it a great day!
‘Til next time –
Question: What do you do when you have several projects to get done. What tips do you have?
TALK to me – I’d love to hear from you! (see Comment box below)
NEW song Previewed in Las Vegas
Watch for release before Christmas